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Selective Conversion of CO2 to CO Using Blue TiO2 with an r-GO Shell and Quantitative Measurement of Excited Electrons with Four-Wave Mixing Microspectroscopy

W Yang, D Kim, G Lee, JD Lee, SI In, H Kim, DK Lim

Carbon, 119819 (2024)

​                                                                          b-TiO2에 환원된 t-GO 쉘이 있으면 가시광선에서 CO2를 CO로 선택적으로 전환하는 광촉매 성능이                                                                             상당히 향상됨. b-TiO2에 r-GO 쉘을 형성하면 b-TiO2 밴드갭이 좁아지는 것을 확임함. 게다가 r-GO 쉘                                                                           은 가시광선의 흡수를 증가시키고 전자 전달을 촉진하여 TiO2에 비해 b-TiO2@r-GO에서 약 8배의 CO                                                                           수율을 보임. r-GO 쉘이 있으면 b-TiO 2의 광촉매 안정성이 향상됨. 이러한 결과는 TiO2기반 광촉매의                                                                             안정성과 효율성을 높이기 위한 전략을 제안할 뿐만 아니라 광촉매 재료의 개선을 평가하는 데에도
                                                                         유용하게 활용 가능. 
[IF 10.5 (2023)]


Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering for HSP 70A mRNA Detection in the Live Cells Using Silica Nanoparticles and DNA-Modified Gold Nanoparticles

JE Cho, DK Lim

Journal of Materials Chemistry B (2024)


                                                                      형광과 표면 증강 라만 산란(SERS) 신호를 결합한 듀얼 프로브 시스템을 설계하여 살아있는 세포에서                                                                            mRNA를 모니터링하였음. 우리 시스템은 형광 DNA 시퀀스와 혼성화된 DNA 시퀀스가 ​​있는 실리카
                                                                      나노 입자(SiNP)와 DNA 변형 금 나노입자(AuNP)를 사용하여 레이저로 광열 손상으로 유도될 수 있는

                                                                      열충격 단백질 70A mRNA를 감지한다. 나노입자 흡수 및 열충격 유도 후, 형광 강도의 시간 의존적 감소                                                                        와 SERS 강도의 증가를 관찰하여 살아있는 세포에서 mRNA 모니터링이 성공적임을 확인함.
                                                                      [IF 6.1 (2023)]



Fabrication of sulfur doped exfoliated gCN photocatalyst for enhanced visible light degradation of pernicious organic pollutants and their photocatalytic antibacterial activity

P Attri, M Chauhan, R Singh, S Kumar, P Garg, DK Lim, GR Chaudhary

Chemosphere 364, 143178, (2024)

A Fully Self-Healing Patch of Integrated Bio-Signal Monitoring Sensors with Self-Healing Microporous Foam and Au Nanosheet Electrodes

M Park, W Yang, JW Kim, Y Choi, S Kim, Y Lee, DS Kim, J Kim, DK Lim, JS Ha

Adv. Funct. Mater., 2402508, (2024)



A stretchable, fully self-healable, temperature-tolerant, and water-proof supercapacitor using TUEG3 capped gold nanosheets on oxime-carbamate bonded polyurethane film and organohydrogel
Y Choi, M Park, S Kim, K Gong, JW Kim, DS Kim, J Lee, G Jung, J Kim, W Yang, DK Lim, JS Ha

Chemical Engineering Journal, 488. 150931, (2024)

Accurately controlled tumor temperature with silica-coated gold nanorods for optimal immune checkpoint blockade therapy
WS Yun, W Yang, MK Shim, S Song, J Choi, J Kim, J Kim, Y Moon, SH Jo, DK Lim, K Kim

Biomaterials Research, 28,(2024)




                                                            PTT와 AuNR@SiO2 및 항 PD-L1 치료법의 조합이 종양 및 면역학적 기억의 종양 재발 예방할 수 있음을

                                                            발견함. 이 연구는 ITM 내에서 AuNR@SiO2 활용하여 온도를 정확하게 유도할 수 있는 정밀 광열 면역 요법을

                                                            달성하기 위한 접근 방식으로 유망함을 보여줌. [IF 11.3 (2023)]

Cancer cell-specific and pro-apoptotic SMAC peptide-doxorubicin conjugated prodrug encapsulated aposomes for synergistic cancer immunotherapy
J Kim, MK Shim, Y Moon, J Kim, H Cho, WS Yun, N Shim, JK Seong, Y Lee, DK Lim, K Kim

Journal of Nanobiotechnology, 22(109), (2024)

Recent advances in SERS-based bioanalyticalapplications: live cell imaging

DK Lim, PPP Kumar

Nanophotonics, (2024)

                                                                         약물 스크리닝, 세포 내 화학 물질 또는 생체 분자에 대한 신호 전달,

                                                                         살아 있는 세포세포 이미징을 위한 SERS 기반 기술의 최근 발전에 관한 리뷰.[IF 6.5 (2024)]

Recent advancements in adsorptive removal of organophosphate pesticides from aqueous phase using nanomaterials

J Mehta, RK Dhaka, N Dilbaghi, DK Lim, AA Hassan, KH Kim, S Kumar

Journal of Nanostructure in Chemistry, 14(1), 53-70 (2024)


Fluorescence-Based Mono- and Multimodal Imaging for In Vivo Tracking of Mesenchymal Stem Cells

WS Yun, H Cho, SI Jeon, DK Lim, K Kim

Biomolecules, 13(12), 1787, (2023)

Self-Assembled Nanostructures of Homo-Oligopeptide as a Potent Ice Growth Inhibitor

YD Kim, WH Jung, DJ Ahn, DK Lim

Nano Letters, 23, 9500-9507, (2023)

BRIC, 한빛사 논문소개 :김용덕 (고려대학교) | BRIC (

                                                                                짧은 펩타이드로부터 형성된 나노구조체 의 얼음재결정성장을
                                                                                억제하는 결과를 확인한 연구결과 [IF 12.262 (2023)]


Recent advances in nano/microfabricated substrate platforms and artificial intelligence for practical surface-enhanced Raman scattering-based bioanalysis

PPP Kumar, S Kaushal, DK Lim

Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 168, 117341, (2023)



                                                                          표면 증강 라만 산란(SERS) 기반 생체 분석을 위한 기판 제작방법과

                                                                          AI 기반 데이터 분석의 최신 동향을 정리한 논문 [IF 14.908 (2023)]

Photothermal Effect of Gold Nanoparticles as a Nanomedicinefor Diagnosis and Therapeutics

PPP Kumar, DK Lim

Pharmaceutics, 15, 2349, (2023)

                                                                             금 나노입자의 광열효과를 기반으로 나노의학에 대한 기본 원리와 응용을 검토하고

                                                                             진단 및 치료를 위한 개발 동향을 정리한 논문 [IF 6.525 (2023)]

Nano-Biotechnology for Bacteria Identification and Potent Anti-bacterial Properties: A Review of Current State of the Art

S Kaushal, N Priyadarshi, P Garg, NK Singhal, DK Lim

Nanomaterials, 13 (18), 2529, (2023)




                                                                               박테리아의 식별 및 항균 특성을 위한 나노 생명공학의

                                                                               최근 발전 동향을 정리한 논문 [IF 5.719 (2023)]




Gold and nanosized titanium carbide MXene heterozygotes as highly efficient visible-light responsive photocatalysts for ammonia synthesis

HH Shin, W Yang, DK Lim

Carbon, 214, 118359, (2023)





                                                                             나노입자와 나노 MXene으로 구성된 고효율 이형접합체 광촉매를 이용하여

                                                                             질소로부터 광환원된 암모니아의 생성을 확인한 연구결과 [IF 11.307 (2023)]





Amino Acid‐Modulated Chirality Evolution and Highly Enantioselective Chiral Nanogap‐Enhanced Raman Scattering

PPP Kumar, MK Kim, DK Lim

Advanced Optical Materials, 2301503, (2023)

                                                                              L- 또는 D-amino acid을 이용한 카이랄 플라즈몬 구조(Helicoid)의 형성과 나노갭에 의해

                                                                              향상된 표면 증강 라만 산란(SERS) 성능을 확인한 연구결과 [IF 10.05 (2023)]

Precursor-dependent fabrication of exfoliated graphitic carbon nitride (gCN) for enhanced photocatalytic and antimicrobial activity under visible light irradiation

P Attri, P Garg, P Sharma, R Singh, M Chauhan, DK Lim, S Kumar, GR Chaudhary

Journal of Cleaner Production, 138538, (2023)


Recent Studies and Progress in the Intratumoral Administration of Nano-Sized Drug Delivery Systems

WS Yun, J Kim, DK Lim, DH Kim, SI Jeon, K Kim

Nanomaterials, 13 (15), 2225, (2023)

Perspectives for Improving the Tumor Targeting of Nanomedicine via the EPR Effect in Clinical Tumors

J Kim, H Cho, DK Lim, MK Joo, K Kim

International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24 (12), 10082, (2023)


Recent Advancements in Plant-and Microbe-Mediated Synthesis of Metal and Metal Oxide Nanomaterials and Their Emerging Antimicrobial Applications

A Rana, S Pathak, DK Lim, SK Kim, R Srivastava, SN Sharma, R Verma

ACS Applied Nano Materials, 6 (10), 8106-8134, (2023)


Metal doped BiOCl nano-architectures (M-BiOCl, M= Ni, Mo, Cd, Co) for efficient visible light photocatalytic and antibacterial behaviour

P Attri, P Garg, M Chauhan, R Singh, RK Sharma, S Kumar, DK Lim, GR Chaudhary

Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 11 (2), 109498, (2023)


Impact of Mn2+-Si4+ co-substitution on the electronic structure of Zn0. 3Mn0. 7Fe2O4 ferrites studied by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

KK Jani, PY Raval, NH Vasoya, M Nehra, M Singh, N Jakhar, S Kumar, KB Modi, DK Lim, RK Singhal

Ceramics International, 48 (21), 31843-31849, (2022)

Recent advancements in adsorptive removal of organophosphate pesticides from aqueous phase using nanomaterials

J Mehta, RK Dhaka, N Dilbaghi, DK Lim, AA Hassan, KH Kim, S Kumar

Journal of Nanostructure in Chemistry, 1-18, (2022)


Mesenchymal stem cell-mediated deep tumor delivery of gold nanorod for photothermal therapy

WS Yun, MK Shim, S Lim, S Song, J Kim, S Yang, HS Hwang, MR Kim, HY Yoon, DK Lim, IC Sun, K Kim

Nanomaterials, 12 (19), 3410, (2022)


Current Status of Organic Matters in Bottled Drinking Water in Korea

I Park, W Yang, DK Lim

ACS ES&T Water, 2 (5), 738-748, (2022), (cover selected)



                                                                                                                 동결건조법을 기반으로 생수 내 함유된 유기물의 조성과 양을

                                                                                                                 Raman 및 전자현미경 등을 통해 분석한 연구결과 [IF 4.34 (2022)]

How Did Conventional Nanoparticle-Mediated Photothermal Therapy Become “Hot” in Combination with Cancer Immunotherapy?

WS Yun, JH Park, DK Lim, CH Ahn, IC Sun, K Kim

Cancers, 14 (8), 2044, (2022)


Copper‐Free Click Chemistry: Applications in Drug Delivery, Cell Tracking, and Tissue Engineering

HY Yoon, D Lee, DK Lim, H Koo, K Kim

Advanced Materials, 34 (10), 2107192, (2022)


Sustained and long-term release of doxorubicin from PLGA nanoparticles for eliciting anti-tumor immune responses

J Kim, Y Choi, S Yang, J Lee, J Choi, Y Moon, J Kim, N Shim, H Cho, MK Shim, S Jeon, DK Lim, HY Yoon, K Kim

Pharmaceutics, 14 (3), 474, (2022)


Electrochemically driven optical and SERS immunosensor for the detection of a therapeutic cardiac drug

M Chaudhry, DK Lim, JW Kang, Z Yaqoob, P So, MF Bhopal, M Wang, R Qamar, AS Bhatti

RSC advances, 12 (5), 2901-2913, (2022)

Precise control over the silica shell thickness and finding the optimal thickness for the peak heat diffusion property of AuNR@SiO2

W Yang, S Kaur, YD Kim, JM Kim, SH Lee, DK Lim

Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 10 (3), 364-372, (2022), (cover selected)


                                                                                                                  나노 스케일의 실리카 쉘이 코팅된 금 나노 막대의 합성을 통해,

                                                                                                                  고효율의 광열효과를 위한 최적의 실리카 쉘 두께와 밀도 간의 관계를

                                                                                                                  확인한 연구결과 [IF 7.571 (2022)] 


Gold-polymer nanocomposites for future therapeutic and tissue engineering applications

PPP Kumar, DK Lim

Pharmaceutics, 14 (1), 70, (2021)


                                                                                   약물, 유전자 전달, 광열 치료 및 조직 공학과 같은 치료 응용 분야에서

                                                                                   금 나노입자 및 금-고분자 나노복합체 사용의 최근 동향을 정리한 논문 [IF 6.36 (2021)]

Attomolar sensitive magnetic microparticles and a surface-enhanced Raman scattering-based assay for detecting SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid targets

AS Jang, PP Praveen Kumar, DK Lim

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 14 (1), 138-149, (2021), (cover selected)


                                                                                                                     바이러스 핵산 검출을 위해 은 나노입자 클러스터와 

                                                                                                                     자성 미세 입자를 이용한 표면 증강 라만 산란 (SERS) 기반 분석을

                                                                                                                     보고한 연구결과 [IF 10.383 (2021)]

Gold-silver core-shell nanodumbbells in solution state as a highly sensitive and reproducible assay platform for bacterial genome detection

HH Shin, HJ Lee, MJ Hwang, J Kim, H Kim, SH Nam, JS Park, JE Hwang, ES Kim, YS Park, YD Suh, DK Lim

Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 349, 130784, (2021)

                                                                         박테리아 게놈 검출을 위해 표면 증강 라만 산란 (SERS) 기반의

                                                                         금-은 core-shell nanodumbbells 플랫폼을 설계하여 5 종 박테리아 표적에 대해

                                                                         고감도(~fM 또는 ~aM) 검출과 높은 재현성 및 선택성을 확인한 연구결과 [IF 9.221 (2021)]

Thiol-Responsive Gold Nanodot Swarm with Glycol Chitosan for Photothermal Cancer Therapy

SH Jo, IC Sun, WS Yun, J Kim, DK Lim, CH Ahn, K Kim

Molecules, 26 (19), 5980, (2021)


Reduced graphene oxide supported cobalt-calcium phosphate composite for electrochemical water oxidation

K Lee, W Yang, E Pyo, H Choi, Y Cha, S Lee, CS Kim, DK Lim, KY Kwon

Catalysts, 11 (8), 960, (2021)


Theragnostic glycol chitosan-conjugated gold nanoparticles for photoacoustic imaging of regional lymph nodes and delivering tumor antigen to lymph nodes

IC Sun, SH Jo, D Dumani, WS Yun, HY Yoon, DK Lim, CH Ahn, S Emelianov, K Kim

Nanomaterials, 11 (7), 1700, (2021)


Solution-based one-step preparation of three-dimensional self-assembled octadecyl silica nanosquare plate and microlamella structures for superhydrophobic and icephobic surfaces

T Han, JH Kim, YD Kim, DJ Ahn, DK Lim

Langmuir, 37 (19), 5886-5894, (2021)


                                                                                            3차원 자기 조립 구조를 갖는 초소수성 표면의 형성을 위한

                                                                                            간단하고 저렴한 솔루션 기반의 방법을 제시한 연구결과 [IF 4.331 (2021)]




Comparative study of fluorescence and surface-enhanced Raman scattering with magnetic microparticle-based assay for target bacterial DNA detection

MJ Hwang, AS Jang, DK Lim

Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 329, 129134, (2021)



                                                                                   연구에서 우리는 형광과 라만 산란이라는 두 가지 광학 신호를 사용하여

                                                                                   표적 박테리아 DNA에 대한 간단한 MMP 기반 분석을 설계한 연구 [IF 9.211 (2021)]






Ca2+-substitution effect on the electronic structure of CaCu3Ti4O12 studied by electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis

KK Jani, DV Barad, PY Raval, M Nehra, NH Vasoya, N Jakhar, KB Modi, S Kumar, DK Lim, RK Singhal

Ceramics International, 47 (4), 5542-5548, (2021)

Recent Progress in Plasmonic Hybrid Photocatalysis for CO2 Photoreduction and C–C Coupling Reactions

HH Shin, YD Suh, DK Lim

Catalysts,11 (2), 155, (2021)


                                                                                         Pd2+와 그래핀 옥사이드 또는 환원된 그래핀옥사이드로 구성된 이종 광촉매를

                                                                                         이용하여 고효율의 Suzuki-Miyaura C-C coupling 반응을 확인한 연구결과 [IF 4.13 (2021)]


Real-time surface-enhanced Raman scattering-based live cell monitoring of the changes in mitochondrial membrane potential

JH Lee, HJ Shin, YD Kim, DK Lim

Nanoscale Advances, 3 (12), 3470-3480, (2021), (cover selected)

                                                                                                         세포 내에서 발생하는 미묘한 분자 변화(TNF-α, MgCl2, FCCP,

                                                                                                         피루브산 나트륨)를 실시간으로 모니터링 할 수 있는 유망한 플랫폼인

                                                                                                         라만 산란 기반 방법을 소개한 연구 [IF 5.27 (2021)]

Predicting in vivo therapeutic efficacy of bioorthogonally labeled endothelial progenitor cells in hind limb ischemia models via non-invasive fluorescence molecular tomography

S Lim, HY Yoon, SJ Park, S Song, MK Shim, S Yang, SW Kang, DK Lim, BS Kim, SH Moon, K Kim

Biomaterials, 266, 120472, (2021)


Recent Advances in the Synthesis of Intra‐Nanogap Au Plasmonic Nanostructures for Bioanalytical Applications

W Yang, DK Lim

Advanced Materials, 32 (51), 2002219, (2020)

                                                                   다양한 차원의 금 나노갭 내부 구조를 제조하기 위한 합성 방법의 최신 발전 동향과

                                                                   그 응용에 대한 연구결과들을 정리한 논문 [IF 30.849 (2020)]


Gold-Nanoparticle Layer Substrate Assisted Transmission-Mode Laser Desorption for Atmospheric Pressure Mass Spectrometry Imaging

JY Kim, H Lim, SY Lee, G Lee, DK Lim, DW Moon, C Song

Science of Advanced Materials, 12 (10), 1517-1523, (2020)


Recent Trends in In Situ Enzyme-Activatable Prodrugs for Targeted Cancer Therapy

IC Sun, HY Yoon, DK Lim, K Kim

Bioconjugate chemistry, 31 (4), 1012-1024, (2020)

Metalloporphyrinic metal-organic frameworks: Controlled synthesis for catalytic applications in environmental and biological media

SA Younis, DK Lim, KH Kim, A Deep

Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 277, 102108, (2020)

Multiplex protein imaging with secondary ion mass spectrometry using metal oxide nanoparticle-conjugated antibodies

DW Moon, YH Park, SY Lee, H Lim, SH Kwak, MS Kim, H Kim, E Kim, Y Jung, HS Hoe, S Kim, DK Lim, CH Kim, S In

ACS applied materials & interfaces, 12 (15), 18056-18064, (2020)

Hydrolytic surface erosion of mesoporous silica nanoparticles for efficient intracellular delivery of cytochrome c

E Choi, DK Lim, S Kim

Journal of colloid and interface science, 560, 416-425, (2020)

Electronic structure, orbital symmetry transformation, charge transfer, and valence state studies on Fe3+-substituted CaCu3Ti4O12 quadruple perovskites using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

UM Meshiya, PY Raval, PR Pansara, M Nehra, N Jakhar, S Kumar, KB Modi, DK Lim, RK Singhal

Ceramics International, 46 (2), 2147-2154, (2020)

Calcium-doped mesoporous silica nanoparticles as a lysosomolytic nanocarrier for amine-free loading and cytosolic delivery of siRNA

E Choi, DK Lim, S Kim

Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 81, 71-80, (2020)

Bead based facile assay for sensitive quantification of native state green fluorescent protein

JM Kim, BL Seong, DK Lim

RSC advances, 10 (22), 13095-13099, (2020)


                                                                             Ni-NTA(니켈-니트리로트리아세트산) 변형 마이크로비드 입자를

                                                                            사용하여 기본 상태 녹색 형광 단백질의 양을 민감하게 정량화 할 수 있는

                                                                            간단한 비드 기반 분석법에 관한 연구  [IF 3.27 (2020)]


Recent advances in nanomaterial-based human breath analytical technology for clinical diagnosis and the way forward

E Kabir, N Raza, V Kumar, J Singh, YF Tsang, DK Lim, JE Szulejko, KH Kim

Chem, 5 (12), 3020-3057, (2019)


Visible light-induced apoptosis activatable nanoparticles of photosensitizer-DEVD-anticancer drug conjugate for targeted cancer therapy

W Um, J Park, H Ko, S Lim, HY Yoon, MK Shim, S Lee, YJ Ko, MJ Kim, JH Park, DK LIM, Y Byun, IC Kwon, K Kim

Biomaterials, 224, 119494, (2019)


Correction to: Fis1 depletion in osteoarthritis impairs chondrocyte survival and peroxisomal and lysosomal function

D Kim, J Song, Y Kang, S Park, K Yong-Il, S Kwak, DK Lim, R Park, CH Chun, SK Choe, EJ Jin

Journal of Molecular Medicine, 97 (12), 1735-1735, (2019)


A comparative study on albumin-binding molecules for targeted tumor delivery through covalent and noncovalent approach

W Um, J Park, A Youn, H Cho, S Lim, JW Lee, HY Yoon, DK Lim, JH Park, K Kim

Bioconjugate chemistry, 30 (12), 3107-3118, (2019)

Antifreezing gold colloids

J Lee, SY Lee, DK Lim, DJ Ahn, S Lee

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 141 (47), 18682-18693, (2019)

Dual-modal imaging-guided precise tracking of bioorthogonally labeled mesenchymal stem cells in mouse brain stroke

S Lim, HY Yoon, HJ Jang, S Song, W Kim, J Park, KE Lee, S Jeon, S Lee, DK Lim, BS Kim, DE Kim, K Kim

ACS nano, 13 (10), 10991-11007, (2019)


Cumulative directional calcium gluing between phosphate and silicate: A facile, robust and biocompatible strategy for siRNA delivery by amine-free non-positive vector

E Choi, J Lee, IC Kwon, DK Lim, S Kim

Biomaterials, 209, 126-137, (2019)


Atmospheric pressure mass spectrometric imaging of bio-tissue specimen using electrospray-assisted CW laser desorption and ionization source

JY Kim, SY Lee, DW Moon, JW Park, DK Lim, C Song

Biointerphases ,14 (4), (2019)


Graphene-coated glass substrate for continuous wave laser desorption and atmospheric pressure mass spectrometric imaging of a live hippocampal tissue

JY Kim, H Lim, SY Lee, C Song, JW Park, HH Shin, DK Lim, DW Moon

ACS applied materials & interfaces, 11 (30), 27153-27161, (2019)


Raman-based in situ monitoring of changes in molecular signatures during mitochondrially mediated apoptosis

HJ Shin, JH Lee, YD Kim, I Shin, T Sim, DK Lim

ACS omega, 4 (5), 8188-8195, (2019)

                                                                        미토콘드리아 매개 세포사멸 동안 세포내 분자 시그니처의 변화를 실시간으로

                                                                        모니터링하기 위해 표면 강화 라만 산란 기반 단일 세포 분광법을 조사한 연구 [IF 2.98 (2019)]

Optical detection of waterborne pathogens using nanomaterials

N Bhardwaj, SK Bhardwaj, D Bhatt, DK Lim, KH Kim, A Deep

TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 113, 280-300, (2019)


Pd2+-conjugated reduced graphene oxide as a highly efficient visible-light-induced photocatalytic Suzuki-Miyaura coupling

HH Shin, T Han, W Yang, DK Lim

Carbon, 143, 362-370, (2019)

                                                                                                        Pd2+와 그래핀 옥사이드 또는 환원된 그래핀옥사이드로 구성된

                                                                                                        이종 광촉매를 이용하여 고효율의 Suzuki-Miyaura C-C coupling 반응을

                                                                                                        확인한 연구결과 [IF 9.12 (2019)]

Recent advances and challenges of repurposing nanoparticle-based drug delivery systems to enhance cancer immunotherapy

S Lim, J Park, MK Shim, W Um, HY Yoon, JH Ryu, DK Lim, K Kim

Theranostics, 9 (25), 7906, (2019)



SERS-based particle tracking and molecular imaging in live cells: toward the monitoring of intracellular dynamics

J Kim, SH Nam, DK Lim, YD Suh

Nanoscale, 11 (45), 21724-21727, (2019)



Interface-controlled Pd nanodot-Au nanoparticle colloids for efficient visible-light-induced photocatalytic Suzuki-Miyaura coupling reaction

E Kang, HH Shin, DK Lim

Catalysts, 8 (10), 463, (2018)

                                                                                          가속된 전자 전달 과정을 통해 Pd 나노점 (Pd nanodots)의 광촉매 효율을 

                                                                                          향상시키는 플라즈몬 나노입자와 활성 촉매 사이에 존재하는

                                                                                          그래핀 인터페이스 층의 중요한 기여를 입증한 연구 [IF 3.586 (2018)]




Biomolecular imaging of regeneration of zebrafish caudal fins using high spatial resolution ambient mass spectrometry

JY Kim, SY Lee, H Kim, JW Park, DK Lim, DW Moon

Analytical chemistry, 90 (21), 12723-12730, (2018)

Antigen‐Free Radionuclide‐Embedded Gold Nanoparticles for Dendritic Cell Maturation, Tracking, and Strong Antitumor Immunity

SB Lee, YJ Lee, SJ Cho, SK Kim, SW Lee, J Lee, DK Lim, YH Jeon

Advanced Healthcare Materials, 7 (9), 1701369, (2018)

Amphiphilic small peptides for delivery of plasmid DNAs and siRNAs

EK Bang, H Cho, SSH Jeon, NL Tran, DK Lim, W Hur, T Sim

Chemical Biology & Drug Design, 91 (2), 575-587, (2018)

The adverse role of excess negative ions in reducing the photoluminescence from water soluble MAA–CdSe/ZnS quantum dots in various phosphate buffers

M Chaudhry, DK Lim, R Qamar, AS Bhatti

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 20 (46), 29446-29451, (2018)


Nanomaterials and continuous wave laser-based efficient desorption for atmospheric pressure mass spectrometric imaging of live hippocampal tissue slices

JY Kim, ES Seo, HJ Lim, H Kim, JW Park, HH Shin, DK Lim, DW Moon

RSC advances, 8 (15), 8021-8025, (2018)


Fabrication and near-field visualization of a wafer-scale dense plasmonic nanostructured array

J Yun, H Lee, CW Mun, J Jahng, WA Morrison, DB Nowak, JH Song, DK Lim, TS Bae, HM Kim, NH Kim, SH Nam, J Kim, MK Seo, DH Kim, NH Kim, SH Nam, J Kim, MK Seo, DH Kim, SG Park, YD Suh

RSC advances, 8 (12), 6444-6451, (2018)



Atmospheric pressure mass spectrometric imaging of live hippocampal tissue slices with subcellular spatial resolution

JY Kim, ES Seo, H Kim, JW Park, DK Lim, DW Moon

Nature communications, 8 (1), 2113, (2017)


Plasmonic effect of gold nanostars in highly efficient organic and perovskite solar cells

RT Ginting, S Kaur, DK Lim, JM Kim, JH Lee, SH Lee, JW Kang

ACS applied materials & interfaces, 9 (41), 36111-36118, (2017)

In situ imaging of quantum dot-AZD4547 conjugates for tracking the dynamic behavior of fibroblast growth factor receptor 3

G Hwang, H Kim, H Yoon, C Song, DK Lim, T Sim, J Lee

International Journal of Nanomedicine, 5345-5357, (2017)

Aspect-Ratio Controlled Synthesis and Tunable Luminescence of YF3:Yb3+/Er3+ Upconversion Nanocrystals

G Murali, RK Mishra, JM Lee, YC Chae, J Kim, YD Suh, D Lim, SH Lee

Crystal Growth & Design, 17 (6), 3055-3061, (2017)


Pd-nanodot decorated MoS 2 nanosheets as a highly efficient photocatalyst for the visible-light-induced Suzuki–Miyaura coupling reaction

HH Shin, E Kang, H Park, T Han, CH Lee, DK Lim

Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 5 (47), 24965-24971, (2017)



                                                                                     MoS2 나노시트와 Pd 나노점의 결합이 가시광선 유도

                                                                                     Suzuki-Miyaura C-C 결합 반응을 촉진하는 유망한 방법임을 입증한 연구 [IF 9.931 (2017)]

Monodisperse, shape-selective synthesis of YF 3: Yb 3+/Er 3+ nano/microcrystals and strong upconversion luminescence of hollow microcrystals

G Murali, S Kaur, YC Chae, M Ramesh, J Kim, YD Suh, DK Lim, SH Lee

RSC advances, 7 (39), 24255-24262, (2017)



Visualization of macrophage recruitment to inflammation lesions using highly sensitive and stable radionuclide-embedded gold nanoparticles as a nuclear bio-imaging platform

SB Lee, HW Lee, TD Singh, Y Li, SK Kim, SJ Cho, SW Lee, SY Jeong, BC Ahn, S Choi, IK Lee, DK Lim, J Lee, YH Jeon

Theranostics, 7 (4), 926, (2017)



Combined positron emission tomography and Cerenkov luminescence imaging of sentinel lymph nodes using PEGylated radionuclide‐embedded gold nanoparticles

SB Lee, GS Yoon, SW Lee, SY Jeong, BC Ahn, DK Lim, J Lee, YH Jeon

Small,12 (35), 4894-4901, (2016)

Radionuclide-embedded gold nanoparticles for enhanced dendritic cell-based cancer immunotherapy, sensitive and quantitative tracking of dendritic cells with PET and Cerenkov …

SB Lee, SB Ahn, SW Lee, SY Jeong, Y Ghilsuk, BC Ahn, EM Kim, HJ Jeong, DK Lim, YH Jeon

NPG Asia Materials, 8 (6), e281-e281, (2016)

Ultrafast and efficient transport of hot plasmonic electrons by graphene for Pt free, highly efficient visible-light responsive photocatalyst

D Kumar, A Lee, T Lee, M Lim, DK Lim

Nano letters, 16 (3), 1760-1767, (2016), (citation 124)


                                                                                                   환원된 그래핀 코팅 금 나노입자(r-GO-AuNPs)가 CO2를 포름산(HCOOH)으로

                                                                                                   광전환하는 데 탁월한 가시광 반응성 광촉매임을 보고한 연구 [IF 12.712 (2016)]

Selective binding of C-6 OH sulfated hyaluronic acid to the angiogenic isoform of VEGF165

DK Lim, RG Wylie, R Langer, DS Kohane

Biomaterials, 77, 130-138, (2016)


Visible-light induced reduction of graphene oxide using plasmonic nanoparticle

D Kumar, AR Lee, S Kaur, DK Lim

JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments), e53108, (2015)



Preparation and properties of acrylonitrile–butadiene rubber–graphene nanocomposites

B Mensah, D Kumar, DK Lim, SG Kim, BH Jeong, C Nah

Journal of applied polymer science, 132 (36), (2015)


Controlled release behavior and characterization of ropinirole hydrochloride using multi-layer formulation

JH Lee, J Yang, JY Park, CJ Lee, NK Jang, JH Shin, DK Lim, G Khang

Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation, 45, 201-208, (2015)

Amplified photoacoustic performance and enhanced photothermal stability of reduced graphene oxide coated gold nanorods for sensitive photoacoustic imaging

H Moon, D Kumar, H Kim, C Sim, JH Chang, JM Kim, H Kim, DK Lim

ACS nano, 9 (3), 2711-2719, (2015), (citation 246)

                                                                                    환원된 그래핀옥사이드와 금나노막대로 구성된 새로운 기능성 하이브리드 소재의

                                                                                    강력하게 증폭된 광음향(photoacoustic) 성능을 보고 [IF 12.882 (2015)]


High resolution live cell Raman imaging using subcellular organelle-targeting SERS-sensitive gold nanoparticles with highly narrow intra-nanogap

JW Kang, PTC So, RR Dasari, DK Lim

Nano letters, 15 (3), 1766-1772, (2015), (citation 284)

                                                                                          NIR 여기(785 nm) 및 고속 공초점 라만 현미경에 반응하는

                                                                                          매우 좁은 내부 나노갭 구조를 갖춘 작은 구형 금 나노입자를 사용하여

                                                                                          고속 및 고해상도 라이브 세포 라만 이미지를 달성하는 방법 관한 연구 [IF 13.352 (2015)]  

Au Nanocucumbers with Interior Nanogap for Multiple Laser Wavelength‐Compatible Surface‐Enhanced Raman Scattering#

JH Hwang, NK Singhal, DK Lim, JM Nam

Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society, 36 (3), 882-886, (2015)


Great influence of inorganic salts for controllable synthesis of YF 3: Yb 3+/Er 3+ nanocrystals

G Murali, RK Mishra, JM Lee, BH Lee, HG Ham, JH Kim, DK Lim, SH Lee

22nd International Display Workshops, IDW 2015, 897-898, (2015)


Synthesis, luminescence properties, and growth mechanisms of YF 3: Yb 3+/Er 3+ nanoplates

G Murali, BH Lee, RK Mishra, JM Lee, SH Nam, YD Suh, DK Lim, JH Lee, SH Lee

Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 3 (39), 10107-10113, (2015)



Release behavior of olmesartan medoxomil from solid dispersion prepared by PVP addition

SC Oh, CJ Lee, HG Lee, JY Park, HK Jeong, YL Kim, DK Lim, D Lee, SH Lee

Polymer (Korea), 39 (1), 33-39, (2015)


DNA-mediated control of Au shell nanostructure and controlled intra-nanogap for a highly sensitive and broad plasmonic response range

H Lee, SH Nam, YJ Jung, S Park, JM Kim, YD Suh, DK Lim

Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 3 (41), 10728-10733, (2015)


                                                                                             0.9-4.0 nm 범위의 맞춤형 내부 나노갭 거리를 갖는 이방성 플라즈몬 나노구조를

                                                                                             얻기 위한 DNA 매개 심플 합성 방법 연구 [IF 5.066 (2015)]




Recent advances in gold nanoparticle-based bioengineering applications

EY Kim, D Kumar, G Khang, DK Lim

Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 3 (43), 8433-8444, (2015)


                                                                             바이오센싱, 바이오이미징, 치료 약물 전달 및 조직 공학 응용 분야에서

                                                                             현재 기술의 한계를 해결하기 위해 개발된 플라즈몬 금 나노입자(AuNP)의 사용을 기반으로

                                                                             한 생물의학 응용 분야의 최근 발전에 관한 리뷰 논문 [IF 6.459 (2015)]


Thiolated DNA-based chemistry and control in the structure and optical properties of plasmonic nanoparticles with ultrasmall interior nanogap

JW Oh, DK Lim, GH Kim, YD Suh, JM Nam

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 136 (40), 14052-14059, (2014), (citation 134)


Preparation and release behavior of atorvastatin calcuim-Encapsulated polyoxalate microspheres

CJ Lee, SY Kim, HG Lee, J Yang, JY Park, SR Cha, DK Lim, D Lee, G Khang

Polymer (Korea) 38 (5), 656-663, (2014)


Graphene-Coated Gold Nanoparticles for Enhanced Photothermal Effect and Bio imaging Probe

DK Lim

한국진공학회 학술발표회초록집, 84-84, (2014)


Characterization and improvement of dissolution rate of solid dispersion of celecoxib in pvp k30/eudragit epo

DY Jeon, JE Jang, JH Lee, JW Yang, SM Park, D Lim, G Khang

Polymer (Korea), 38 (4), 434-440, (2014)


Plasmon-assisted and visible-light induced graphene oxide reduction and efficient fluorescence quenching

D Kumar, S Kaur, DK Lim

Chemical Communications, 50 (88), 13481-13484, (2014)



Enhanced photothermal effect of plasmonic nanoparticles coated with reduced graphene oxide

DK Lim, A Barhoumi, RG Wylie, G Reznor, RS Langer, DS Kohane

Nano letters, 13 (9), 4075-4079, (2013), (citation 290)

Glutathione dimerization-based plasmonic nanoswitch for biodetection of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species

S Kumar, WK Rhim, DK Lim, JM Nam

ACS nano, 7 (3), 2221-2230, (2013)


Tuning and maximizing the single-molecule surface-enhanced Raman scattering from DNA-tethered nanodumbbells

JH Lee, JM Nam, KS Jeon, DK Lim, H Kim, S Kwon, H Lee, YD Suh

ACS nano, 6 (11), 9574-9584, (2012), (citation 160)

Engineered Nanostructures for the Ultrasensitive DNA Detection

DK Lim, A Kumar, JM Nam

Detection of Non-Amplified Genomic DNA, 67-87, (2012)


Nanogap Enhanced Raman Scattering

KS Jeon, DK Lim, H Lee, JM Nam, YD Suh

IEICE Proceedings Series 53, (WeA2-5), (2011)

Highly uniform and reproducible surface-enhanced Raman scattering from DNA-tailorable nanoparticles with 1-nm interior gap

DK Lim, KS Jeon, JH Hwang, H Kim, S Kwon, YD Suh, JM Nam

Nature nanotechnology, 6 (7), 452-460, (2011), (citation 1081)


Minimally stable nanoparticle‐based colorimetric assay for simple, rapid, and sensitive antibody structure and activity evaluation

JR Woo, DK Lim, JM Nam

Small, 7 (5), 648-655, (2011)


Highly stable, amphiphilic DNA-encoded nanoparticle conjugates for DNA encoding/decoding applications

DK Lim, MH Cui, JM Nam

Journal of Materials Chemistry, 21 (26), 9467-9470, (2011)



Multifunctional nanocomposite membrane for chemomechanical transducer

TJ Kang, DK Lim, JM Nam, YH Kim

Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 147 (2), 691-696, (2010)

Nanogap-engineerable Raman-active nanodumbbells for single-molecule detection

DK Lim, KS Jeon, HM Kim, JM Nam, YD Suh

Nature materials, 9 (1), 60-67, (2010), (citation 1224)


Functional nanomaterial-based amplified bio-detection strategies

J Jeon, DK Lim, JM Nam

Journal of Materials Chemistry, 19 (15), 2107-2117, (2009)



Ultrasensitive optical biodiagnostic methods using metallic nanoparticles

SY Shim, DK Lim, JM Nam

Future Medicine Ltd, 3 (2), 215-232, (2008)


DNA-embedded Au/Ag core–shell nanoparticles

DK Lim, IJ Kim, JM Nam

Chemical communications, 5312-5314, (2008)



Clinic blood pressure responses to two amlodipine salt formulations, adipate and besylate, in adult Korean patients with mild to moderate hypertension: a multicenter …

HY Lee, HJ Kang, BK Koo, BH Oh, K Heung-Sun, KS Kim, HS Seo, YM Ro, JH Kang, CJ Woong, SJ Joo, MH Kim, JH Shin, J Yoon, SH Park, JJ Ok, KJ Ahn, CY Rhim, KJ Yeon, KM Park, DK Lim, SY Park

Clinical therapeutics,27 (6), 728-739, (2005)


The mechanisms for thermal and photochemical isomerizations of N-substituted 2-halopyrroles: Syntheses of N-substituted 3-halopyrroles

HJ Ha, SH Park, C Lim, KH Lee, YT Park

Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society, 26 (8), 1190-1196, (2005)


General Pharmacological Study of CJ-11828, an Amlodipine adipate

JM Choi, SH Lee, IH Kim, JE Park, CS Park, YS Youn, DK Lim, SH Cho, JH Chang, SH Do, EJ Kim, YH Kim

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